Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I sit here trying to draw. I know what, but yet I don't know how to do it. My mental image overrides the physical one, allowing my memories fill in your beautiful smile. But how can I do it when I can't even draw something I can see? Even when I want to, my hands fail me. I'm used to being able to fix things, but my pencil seems broken and I can't fix it no matter how hard I try. If only I could find a way, just a sliver of talent, in order to capture your brilliance into pencil strokes of grey and white. I sit here trying to be a dream-catcher like you, but in reality I can draw nothing. Only by the grace of God can I draw anything close to the beauty he has instilled in you, yet my paper feels empty, as hard as I try. If only I could make a drawing for you-

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