Tuesday, July 1, 2014

~ Worst Nightmare ~

What have I done?

I looked down at my hands. Blood covered the floor as it poured out of the only person I loved. The misty haze of the dark room bore down on me as I looked from side to side to assure myself I was alone. Walls, if there were any, were masked by the pulsating image of dust in the blackness. Even if there was another person in the room, they would never even notice I was there until they tripped over the lifeless legs of my final hope for life. I sat on the floor of the seemingly familiar room and wept. What else could I do? The last thing I cared about in the world was gone

and it was my fault.


I sat there for what seemed to be forever. Even though the room was too dark to see a clock even if there was one, I knew I had sat there for at least three days while the mutilated figure sat in my lap, her clothes soaked in my tears. But even through my gentle sobbing, I heard a noise. Something I had heard before but ignored. I fell atop the body in front of me, to hide it, I suppose. An animal? No, it was too heavy for that. A human, maybe? Still, not even a man’s footstep could make such a distantly loud thunder.

As it grew closer, I suddenly realized that it was the beast that haunts my dreams. The one named Fear. His brown mane spattered with the blood of his previous victims held tight around his neck as though it were a prized necklace. His pitch black eyes protruded from his bull-like skull. His skin flickered with fire, piercing through the darkness like a double-edged sword. As his devilish grin pierced the light fog of dust, my heart exploded into a bout of anxiety, as I knew that this had happened before. Just as his claws of solidified mercury pierced my back, I woke up, once again, from my worst nightmare.

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