Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Main Man

This one is for my main man.
Though I will try as I may,
I don't think he knows
The amount he brightens my day.

When your family is gone
Every one of you is missed.
Not just R, Em and E
But especially you, too, Isaac.

Here's to all the good memories,
of you opening the door.
Fist bump, WOOSH!
Then you're typically on the floor.

You beat me in Halo.
I don't even know why I try...
Because every stunt I try to pull
Will just make my inner man cry.

You're well set off, kid.
Heck, you got a bargain!
Money done been spent,
The movies you be hoggin'!

Thanks for your knowledge
Of everything awesome
To experience your words of legitness—
It's cool to hear even one.

So have fun and sunscreen up,
Don't drop out of school.
Like you even could 'cause you're on vacation
This isn't really rhyming anymore
But that's ok
Because it's still pretty cool.

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