Thursday, October 9, 2014


I tried again to capture your beauty in a drawing. Over and over I drew, constantly erasing what I thought would be the encapsulation of your eyes—how silly of me to think I could ever even imagine those blue-green pearls with my black and white pencil. I looked again at your portrait.

How did I not notice it before? In the back of my mind I remember sensing it, but I put it off. Why did I put it off? What could have made me make such a big mistake?

I held my gaze on the picture of you. Something stood out to me, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. Then I looked up. A perfect model, hung on twine, stared at me from my bedside. It glowed with a haze, almost as though it were from another dimension. A déjà vu, perhaps?

No. No, it couldn't be. It couldn't be a glimpse to the past or future.

Because it was the key to the now.

That's how I knew. That's how I'll always know. Next time, I won't let you go so deep.

I will never let you drown.

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