Thursday, August 28, 2014


Miracles are amazing.

The literal definition of a miracle is something that defies the laws of nature. And yeah, sure, we use the word "miracle" pretty often to describe something that's not actually a miracle, but occasionally miracles do happen.

Maybe you've never seen a miracle. Maybe you've never even heard of one. But I can tell you one thing:

We've all dreamed of them.

One of the miracles that I've dreamed was that induction was real. I mean, neither deduction nor induction are very secure, but most people would see induction as a logical fallacy. If you've never heard of induction and/or deduction, take these two examples: induction would be saying that since your dog has four legs, all animals must have four legs, which is clearly not true. On the opposite side of the spectrum, however, is deduction. Deduction is basically saying that since all cows have legs, baby cows should have legs as well. If that doesn't make sense, think of it this way: Induction reasons from narrow to broad, deduction reasons from broad to narrow.

Anyways, imagine if induction was a valid form of reasoning. We could logically assume that fish would have four legs since dogs have four legs, or that since the blinds in my house are white, the blinds in everyone else's houses must be white as well. Well, Alex, if induction was a valid form of reasoning, then how would one person with black blinds induce that you have black blinds while you induce that they must have white blinds? My friend, that's an excellent question.

My explanation for this phenomenon is called "induction-based reality." I actually just made that up, but basically what it means is that your sight is based on your personal circumstances of induction. Now, you don't get to pick what the result of your induction is, but rather the universe selects the best result based on your circumstances, just like the tan shade of your skin or a microevolutionary ability.  So that unfortunately means that you wouldn't be able to say that since my stove is white (a complete lie), everything must be white. Only fundamental truths can be applied.

Now, as cool as this whole thing would be in reality, I think I'd rather pass, and here's why:

A) For a wretch like me, logic would suggest that I wouldn't get the Mercy I receive
B) Also, for a wretch like me, logic would suggest that I wouldn't have the friends I have

Yet somehow
                                                                                       in this strange universe
                                             I defy logic


  1. So basically relative truth ;) and you dreamed about that? :0

    1. In the sense that a dream can be a form of pondering during waking hours, yes, I dreamed about that :P
