Friday, December 26, 2014

Here's to One Year

Sometimes, we do things just to get someone to notice.
Sometimes, we think things in hopes that the other person thinks them, too.

We sing, we smile;
We dance, we trial.

Will they actually remember?
That's what I used to wonder.

Now I know you'll always be near:
here's to one year.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Broken Clocks

Today, while the clocks are all broken, time seems endless; nonexistent, really.

Won't you come break some clocks with me?

Then time could flow over us like a smooth pebble in a gushing stream.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Room

Oh, what a place
That room you made


But seeing my Summer
sitting there, waiting,
surpasses the joy

Of any soundtrack.